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The mud which is marine in origin is known to be present along the bottom of the Toyo River, Ichinomiya-cho, Hoi-gun. The radiocarbon age is determined by the large-sized oysters found in this mud on the northern side of the Kanazawa bridge across the Toyo River. The result of ^<14>C measurement reveals that the age of the oysters in 29,630±350y.B.P. This datum is nearly equal to the ^<14>C age of shells found in the Kozakai mud, 26,430±1,010y.B.P. according to IKEDA (1973). Fig. 2 shows the paleogeographical map assuming that the height of the former shoreline was 17m, because the height of the mud on the northern side of the Kanazawa bridge is now 17m. Fig. 2 also supports the idea that the mud exposed along the bottom of the Toyo River, Ichinomiya-cho, is correlative with the Kozakai mud.
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