フロラと植生の変貌--房総半島を中心とした生態地理学的考察 (関東平野における第四紀後期の環境変化と文化の発達<特集>)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Present distribution of vegetationLucidophyllous forests in Japan belonging to Camellietea japonica are called “Laurisilvae” by RÜBEL (1930), however, they are very unique and characteristic to the humid warm-temperate Asian region. The horizontal zones of evergreen broad-leaved climaxes or subclimaxes are Machilus thunbergii, Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii and Cyclobalanopsis spp. zones from the coast inland on the Boso Peninsula. In the representative association of lucidophyllous forests there is Castanopsietum sieboldii which is divided into two associations: Bladhio-Castanopsietum sieboldii in the north and Rumohro-Castanopsietum sieboldii in the south.Even in hilly lowlands below 400m in alt, on the Boso Peninsula, there are three vertical zones: 1) the lower hilly zone with Castanopsion, 2) the upper hilly zone with Cyclobalanopsion including Abietum firmae, and 3) the lower montane zone with Tsugion. This phenomenon is based on the shrinkage of the vertical zones. The northern border lines of the climax species remarkably overlap one another, however, those of seral species are diversified due to the difference in temperature response.There are three types of secondary forest: 1) Pinus thunbergii forests along the sea coast, 2) Pinus densiflora forests on sterile, dry habitats, and 3) Quercus serrata forests on fertile, moist habitats. There are also three main types of semi-natural grassland: 1) Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii grasslands along the sea coast, 2) Miscanthus sinensis and 3) Pleioblastus chino grasslands inland. Recently, pioneer communities of naturalized plants are extending their areas.Japan is divided into four climatic zones (subarctic, cool-temperate, warm-temperate and subtropical), but its coastal area is divided into only three zones (cool, warm and subtropical). This is due to 1) the oceanic climate, and 2) coastal species being seral species.2. Present floraThe Boso Peninsula is divided into three floristic areas: Nouth-Boso, South-Boso and Kujukuri areas. Northern plants come into the North-Boso area, southern plants occupy the South-Boso area, and both of them live in the Kujukuri area. The inner zone (North-Boso) and the outer zone (South-Boso and Kujukuri) are separated by the Wakana's zone (Fig. 6). The Crinum line passes through the southernmost part of the Boso Peninsula which is the nothern limit of frostless area and is considered to be the periphery of the subtropical zone.Southern species of tropical and subtropical regions, such as Cynodon dactylon, are distributed along the coast in Kyushu because of its oceanic climate and scarce interspecific competition.Among the 2, 500 species in the flora of higher plants in the Boso Peninsula, about 300 are aliens because man-made or man-modified vegetation covers a very wide area there.3. Past flora and vegetationThe southern border of Fagus crenata forests is the isotherm of 10°C in annual mean temperature. If the annual mean temperature had dropped 8°C during the coldest period of the last ice age, Fagus crenata forests would have covered Kyushu to its southernmost part. Even if the annual mean temperature had dropped 5°C, the Boso Peninsula would have been covered with Fagus crenata forests. Elements of the cool-temperate zone are included in the flora of the Boso Peninsula as relics of the cold past during the Tertiary and the Quaternary. Fossils of those cool floras have been found there.Pinus parviflora and Tsuga sieboldii forests on the ridges of hills are also relics of the cold age due to the shrinkage of vertical zones. During the cold age when Fagus crenata was distributed to the south, the Zoysia japonica pasture grazed by wild animals under the cool-temperate climate was distributed southward simultaneously.
- B134 生涯教育のための環境教育のフレーム・ワークについて
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- 第13回アジア太平洋地域雑草学会会議について
- 雑草の生態学的研究
- 景観生態学(Landscape Ecology/Landschaftsforschung und Okologie ed.by P.Muller & C.Rathjens.Biogeographica Vol.16 Dutch Guilders 100,00/US $ 51.65,224pp., 69 figs., 19 tables, Dr.W.Junk Publ., The Hague, 1979)
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- E. HEINISCH, H. PAUCKE, H.-D. NAGEL UND D. HANSEN "Agrochemikalien in der Umwelt", VEB Bustav Fischer Velag Jena, 1976, 306ページ, 115図, 135表, 35マルク
- 66. ホテイアオイ(Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms)の生態学的研究 : とくに成長について
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- FRANE E. EGLER : The Way of Science. A Philosophy of Ecology for the Layman. Hafner Publ. Co., New York (1970). 本文145頁, $6.95
- BOGDAN STUGREN : Grundlagen der allgemeinen OKologie. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, 1972. 223頁, 104図, 3表, 20. 90M.
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- 東部ネパール, 湿潤ヒマラヤの冷温帯域における落葉広葉樹林について
- M.J.A. Werger ed., "The Study of Vegetation", Dr.W.Junk (1979), Dutch Guilders I15,($59.50), 316,pp., 73 figs., 9 tables
- 環境教育について考える
- S. C. Kendeigh (1974) Ecology with Special Reference to Animals and Man. Prentice-Hall New Jersey, 474 pp.
- 代表的な植物学教科書の中の生態学
- Lester R. Brown. 1981. Building a Sustainable Society, W. W. Norton & Co., New York, London. 433pp.
- 福井英一郎, 吉野正敏論, 気候環境学概論, 本文246頁, 人名索引5頁, 事項索引8頁, 東京大学出版会, 1979年12月, 2,800円
- 林縁における袖群落と植生および生育地の相対偏差Hartmut DIERSCHKE 1974 : Saumgeselischaften im Vegetationsund Standortsgefalle an Waldrandern.Scripta Geobotanika Bd.6.
- 環境問題に関する今後の研究について
- SCOPE Reportの翻訳
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- ユネスコセミナー"Ecology of Tropical Highlands"に参加して
- CT(IBP第2回シンポジウム)
- 基礎生物学研究所の設立趣旨ならびに構想
- 東京地域の都市生態系の研究(英文)
- 植物の生活型を中心としたフロラ記述の生態学的方法(英文)
- 日本における自然保護努力の対象と歴史(英文)
- 環境教育の基礎としての生物の多様性(英文)
- 自然草地の状態と動向の診断(英文)
- 自然・半自然植生における帰化植物の生態学的特性(英文)
- 草地生態系の退化と回復(英文)
- 作物と雑草との競争III : 雑草の許容限界に及ぼすオカボの種間密度効果
- ホテイアオイ (Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms) の生態学的研究, とくに成長について
- W. Kuhnelt : Grundriss der Okologie. Mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Tierwelt. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1970,DM. 28
- Ecology of Pioneer Species of early stages of Secondary succession I.
- 植物群落の遷移に関する理論的考察
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- ○森林立地図作製のための植生学的, 土壌学的方法(Vegetations und bodenkundliche Methoden der forstlichen Standortskartierung.), ELLENBERG, H., 本文296頁, 別に植生図4葉とその説明, 組成表2葉, Veroff.Geobot.Inst.ETH, Stift.Rubel, Zurich, 39Heft, Zurich, 1967,Fr.32。
- ○極限的な立地における植物(Pflanzen an Grenzenstandorten.), LOTSCHERT, Wilhelm, 本文159pp, 124図, カラー図版1,索引8pp, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1969,DM.42
- ○景観管理と自然保護, (Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz), BAUER, L.und WEINITSCHKE, H. : Veb Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, 302 pp., 邦価約 2500円, 1967
- 〇森林の生活(The Life of the Forest), Jack McCORMICK, 232pp., 図, 写真250,表なし, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966,($4.95)
- 〇南米の森林-その生態, 要約および林業的意義(Die Walder Sudamerikas.Okologle, Zusammensetzung und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung), von Prof.Dr.Kurt HUECK, xx+422s., 253 Abb, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1966,DM 72
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- 竹林生態学雑録,10
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- 東京湾の自然の動向
- 環境教育の動向 (住環境教育)
- フロラと植生の変貌--房総半島を中心とした生態地理学的考察 (関東平野における第四紀後期の環境変化と文化の発達)
- 植物関係調査についての考察
- 自然教育園生態系特別調査を終って : 総合考察
- 日本雑草学会