- 論文の詳細を見る
The peripheral olfactory organs of four species of Gasterosteiformes, one species of Channi-formes and one species of Synbranchiformes were examined by means of scanning electron micro-scopy. In the olfactory lamellae of Pungitius pungitius and Fistularia petimba (Gasterosteiformes), the sensory epithelium is dispersed in many islets surrounded by the indifferent epithelium. In the sensory islets of P. pungitius, type 2 ciliated cells and microvillous cells are present densely, but in F. petimba, type 1 and type 2 ciliated cells, microvillous cells and rod cells are present very sparsely. The olfactory organ of Syngnathus schlegeli and Hippocampus coronatus (Gasterosteiformes) has no lamelliform structure. Type 1 and type 2 ciliated cells and microvillous cells are scattered evenly but sparsely in the flat bottom of the nasal sac. In Channa maculata (Channiformes), type 1 and type 2 ciliated cells and microvillous cells cover uniformly and rather densely the whole surface of the olfactory lamellae which are arranged parallel to the rostro-caudal axis of the fish. Rod cells occur in groups. In Fluta alba (Synbranchiformes), the olfactory organ has no lamelliform structure. Type 2 ciliated cells cover densely the inner wall of the tubular nasal sac. A small number of type 1 ciliated cells and microvillous cells are also present.
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