ツリガネムシのStalk Muscleの電氣刺激II
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Contraction of the stalk muscle in Carchesium in response to electric stimuiation was recorded by means of photographic method, and the following characteristic values were obtained (Temp.: 23°-25℃). Latent period: 1〜4msec., contraction phase: 7〜20msec., relaxation phase: 2〜4sec., refractory period: 50msec., maximum contraction rate: 21cm/sec. 2. When a stalk is subjected to strong A. C. D. or Faradic stimulation of considerable duration, a series of contractions appears as a response. Interval between these contractions increases with the progress of repetition and at a given number of repetition, the greater is the stimulation intensity, the smaller the interval becomes. 3. The abnormal contraction was observed on the severely fatigued muscle, probably because of the local depression of conductivity and irritability.
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