- 論文の詳細を見る
The subjects were eight women aged 20 to 39 years old. We examined the relationship between waistband-pressure and pressure sensation under various conditions (respiratory condition: thoracic respiration in natural or abdominal respiration in deep, posture: straight/relaxed/forward bending/rightward bending/leftward bending at standing and sitting), when the subjects wore the waistband. In this study, intensities of pressure sensations (tightness) developed by the waistband were measured in terms of the subjects' estimates on a "ratio scale." Waistband-pressures were measured by a hydrostatic pressure-balanced method. The waistband-pressures changed with respiration and reached a maximum in the phase of inhalation and a minimum in the phase of exhalation. The relationship between the intensity of waistband-pressure recorded at either of inhalation / exhalation and the intensity of pressure sensation were straight lines, in the graph on which both coordinates were plotted on arithmetic scales. We conclude that the waistband-pressure (clothing pressure) measured by this measuring system may be taken as a reliable index to pressure sensation (tightness). There was a significant difference of waistband-pressure recorded between the left and right sides of the bodies, when the subjects moved asymnletrically in relation to the median line (e.g., leftward and rightward bending). Under asymmetrical movements, therefore, we should employ the waistband-pressures measured from both halves of the body when we attempt to analyze the relationship of the above mentioned.
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- 1997-11-15
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