- 論文の詳細を見る
The concentration of iron in the brown algae, Sargassum horneri, of various growing stages collected on the coast of Ibaraki prefecture was determined to examine the relationship between the body size and the concentration of iron. The concentrations of iron showed significant differences among 45 samples and ranged from 66 to 640μg/g dry weight. The concentration in algal bodies as well as in each organ of the algae tended to decrease remarkably with increasing body size. The distribution of iron among the organs of Sargassum horneri was not homogeneous; lamina showed the highest concentration of iron. The basal lamina of the main stipe accumulated iron about five times higher than the upper lamina of the branch around the growing point. Variation in weight percent of each organ to body weight was observed with increasing body size and the weight percent of lamina tended to decrease exponentially. The decreasing tendency in the weight percent of lamina, which is supposed to be due to the defoliation of lamina or the relative growth of other organs, was very similar to that in the concentration of iron with increasing body size. From these results, the morphological change with the growth of the algae was assumed to be an important factor controlling the variability of the concentration of iron in Sargassum horneri.
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