海産生物中の微量元素の定量-III : 藻体における微量元素の分布について
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The distribution of major and trace elements in marine algae was investigated by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometry and X-ray micro analysis in order to obtain the basic information to elucidate the mechanism of the metal uptake by marine organisms. The distributions of nickel, copper and zinc were uniform between two organs, lamina and stipe, and also among parts of lamina of Eisenia bicyclis, whereas those of manganese and iron were not homogeneous. Especially iron in lamina was concentrated about eight times higher than that in stipe, and the concentration of iron in lamina tended to increase with the distance from the growing point which lies at the base of lamina in the case of Eisenia bicyclis. The concentration of iron in the epithelial layer, which is characterized by an active cell division with abundant chromatophore, showed extremely high level in comparison with the cortical and medullary layers. Especially in the case of the basal lamina of Sargassum sagamianum, iron in the epithelial layer was concentrated about forty times more than in other layers, that is, more than 90% of iron in lamina was found in the epithelial layer. Little difference in thickness of the epithelial layer was observed for each organ and part of Eisenia bicyclis. On the other hand, the proportion of the epithelial layer to the whole varied considerably among organs or parts of lamina. The obtained data suggested that the ununi-form distribution of iron in the algal bodies may be caused by the high concentration of iron in the epithelial layer and by the different proportion of it among other layers in the tissues.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
石井 紀明
鈴木 譲
松葉 満江
小柳 卓
鈴木 譲
石井 紀明
松葉 満江
小柳 卓
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