- 論文の詳細を見る
The amount of nitrogen excretion as well as activities of amino acid-degrading enzymes in the hepatopancreas and protein efficiency ratio in carp, Cyprinus carpio, were investigated. These fish were raised individually in aquariums using a closed-cirulating system at 20°C, and fed on a high-carbohydrate control diet containing 44% of protein and 29% of carbohydrate for a 14 day conditioning period. The fish averageing 51g each were divided into three groups of 5 fishes. One group was fed on a high protein diet replacing the carbohydrate of the control diet with protein, another group on a high fat diet replacing some of the protein of the control diet with fat, and the remaining group on the control diet, this was done continuously during the 20 day experimental period. The amount of excretion of ammonia and total nitrogen in the control group was constant during the experimental period. On the other hand, the amount of nitrogen excretion increased strikingly in the high protein group, and gradually decreased in the high fat group. There was a significant difference in the amount of nitrogen excretion of the three groups after the 6th day of the dietary change. Compared with the high protein group, the control and the high fat groups; excreting smaller amounts of nitrogen showed higher protein efficiency ratios and lower activities of hepatopancreatic arginase and alanine aminotransferase at the end of the experiment. The findings suggest that dietary carbohydrate and fat cause a reduction in the activities of amino acid-degrading enzymes in the hepatopancreas, resulting in a low nitrogen excretion rate and a high protein efficiency ratio.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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