パラオ産渦鞭毛藻pyrodinium bahamense var. compressaおよび数種の二枚貝のまひ性貝毒の確認と分析〔英文〕
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Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressa collected in Palau was confrmed to contain parain paralytic shellfish poisons at a high level of 1.5×10-4 MU/cell. The persence of gonyautoxin V(GTX5), neosaxitoxin (neoSTX), and two unidentified toxins cded tentatively as PBT1 and PBT2 were confirmed vut gonyautoxins I-IV were undetectable, in contrast to Protogonyaulax spp. Moluscs were found to be highly infested by the toxins. The folowing toxins wer identified: GTX5, neoSTX, STX, and PBT1 in Spondylus buteri; GTX5, STX, and PBTi, in Tridaxna crocea; GTX3, neoSTX, STX, and PBT1 in Spondylus bilocularis. In these bivales, however the proportion of GTX5 and neoSTX was decreased while that of STX was increased. The population of P. bahamense var. compressa was relatively high insid Arumizu Bay, Korol, but was low outside the bay.
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