- 論文の詳細を見る
The gas exchange in the gills of porgy Pagrus major was studied under a normoxic, resting condition. Experimental fish (N=25, 574±103g in body weight) were cannulated to the buccal and opercular cavities and the dorsal aorta. After recovery from the effect of the surgical operation, respiratory parameters such as oxygen consumption, ventilation volume, respiratory frequency, percent oxygen utilization, oxygen content of the arterial blood etc. were determined. The results of the present study were compared with those from studies of four other species by standardization to 1kg in body weight and 20°C in temperature. The porgy showed an intermediate value in oxygen consumption between active species, i.e. yellowtail and rainbow trout, and non-active ones, i.e. carp and dogfish, while the ventilation volume of the porgy was close to the former group and the oxygen content of the arterial blood was close to the latter group. These results are considered to reflect the ecological features of the porgy, and indicate that the swimming activity of the porgy is intermediate between the two groups.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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