- 論文の詳細を見る
The morphological features and the distribution of eggs and prelarvae of the brown hakeling Physiculus maximowiczi are presented based on specimens obtained from field and laboratory studies. The eggs are buoyant, spherical and colorless, and have an oil globule. The diameter of eggs and oil globule ranged from 0.93 to 1.00mm and from 0.25 to 0.30mm, respectively. The prelarva of 1.70mm in total length has a wide pigmented band on the dorsal part throughout the body except for the notochord tip. In the caudal part there is a pair of melanophore patches on both the dorsal and ventral parts. Such pigmentation occurs in the late stage of the embryo development and is very characteristic. Also, it is distinct enough to discriminate the eggs and larvae of the brown hakeling from the Pacific mackerel and threadfin hakeling which are collected with the brown hakeling in the same area and period. The eggs and larvae were mainly distributed in the eastern part of the Izu Islands and along the Boso Peninsula, central Japan, which is situated in the inner region of Kuroshio Current.
- 日本水産學會の論文
- 潮岬沖黒潮前線付近における栄養物質の微細分布
- 1972-1973年, 南極海インド洋区におけるクロロフィルαの垂直分布(英文)
- はじめに(カタクチイワシ資源の今を考える)
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- 黒潮親潮移行域生態系におけるツノナシオキアミの生物学とその重要性 (総特集 黒潮親潮移行域の物理・生物・化学過程) -- (3章 黒潮親潮移行域の低次生物生産)
- I-1. マイワシ資源の増加過程 : マイワシの来た道・辿る道(3)(第I部.マイワシの資源動態,マイワシ資源の変動と利用)
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- カタクチイワシの生活史戦略(カタクチイワシ資源の今を考える)
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- 日本海における浮遊性ヤムシ類の動物相と分布生態に関するレビュー (ヤムシ研究会ワークショップ論文集)
- 水槽内におけるカタクチイワシの繁殖行動の観察〔英文〕
- エゾイソアイナメの卵・仔魚の形態と分布〔英文〕
- ヤムシ研究会ワークショップ論文集
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