- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to make clear the influence of biological factors on uptake, retention and excretion of 54Mn, perry whelks were exposed to the radioisotope through ambient seawater, being separated into female and male, and subsequently a half of the specimens were depurated in non-spiked seawater. The parameters representing accumulation phenomena, such as concentration factor at steady state (CFss), coefficient of accumulation velocity (K01), turnover rate (K10), biological half time (Tb), etc, were estimated from the equations of accumulation and excretion curves and compared sex-wise and among individuals. There were no sex-dependent differences on all the parameters. But, weight-dependent differences were found on CFss and K01. From the regressed relations, In CFss (or K01)=In a-b ln WW, it is demonstrated that the values of two parameters increased according to de-creasing whole weight (WW) of individual. The values could remarkably be raised extrapolately in the samll size range. This weight dependence of accumulation was similar to those of bivalves except ostreids, and herbivorous and carnivorous gastropods examined previously on stable-Mncontents. The values of CFss obtained here were about 4 to 8 times higher than those of black abalones.
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