- 論文の詳細を見る
After the artificial and the natural exposures to 54-Mn and stable-Mn, the concentrations, distribution rates and localization tendencies of the two nuclides in various tissues of the carni-vorous gastropod, V. ampullacea perryi were compared between the female and the male. Concentrations of 54-Mn in various tissues of the female were nearly equal to those of the male except external genitalia was higher in the male. For stable-Mn, the concentrations in various tissues differed between the female and the male with a few exceptions. Especially in gonads, the stable nuclide concentration was higher in the ovaries than the spermaries with the ratio of 18.49. The distribution rate of the stable nuclide in the ovaries came up to ca. 70%, which was about ten times higher than that of the radionuclide. In the spermaries, distribution rates of the two nuclides resembled in each exposure group less than 2%. Therefore, the distribution mode of 54-Mn differed greatly from that of stable-Mn in gonads. These internuclidic differences in the tissue distribution was not observed in the herbivorous gas-tropod Haliotis discus.
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