The psychological impact of the Tokai Earthquake prediction: Individual's responses and the mass media's coverage.:Individual's responses and the mass media's coverage
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The search for ways to predict major earthquakes has become the greatest scientific challenge of our day. To date, there are two regions where large earthquakes are long-term-predicted by scientific methods: the state of California of the United States and the Tokai district of Japan. Focusing on the Tokai Earthquake prediction, the author has carried out survey analyses of individual reactions and the mass media's coverage of this prediction in Shizuoka Prefecture, where the heaviest casualities are expected by the Tokai Earthquake. The mass media have passed on a great deal of earthquake information to the public. They have played a major role in strengthening public concern and anxiety. According to the present study, people in Shizuoka Prefecture are anxious about the possibility of the Tokai Earthquake, and they are aware of the danger which the earthquake poses, but preparedness activity is fast approaching to a plateau and is not expected to show any significant increases in the near future. People have learned to live with the threat of danger.
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- The psychological impact of the Tokai Earthquake prediction: Individual's responses and the mass media's coverage.:Individual's responses and the mass media's coverage