透析患者の結核症 : 第8報リンパ節結核の特性
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Dialysis patients have a high susceptibility to lymphnode tuberculosis. In order to clarify its features, an epidemiological study was done.<BR>The subjects were 7, 274 dialysis patients including 150 cases complicated with tuberculosis. Among them 20 males and 20 females were lymphnode tuberculosis. They were between 20s and 60s of age with the maximal age distribution at 40s and 50s. Five males and 3 females died from it.<BR>Tuberculous lymphadenitis located most frequently at cervical area, then at axillary, supraclavicular, inguinal area, etc.<BR>The frequency of onset of lymphnode tuberculosis was the highest during the initial 3 months of dialysis therapy, then it tapered down with the duration of dialysis therapy, although it remained high. Thus dialysis and/or renal failure are proved to be significant predisposing factors to the development of lymphnode tuberculosis.<BR>Twelve patients among 24 had a past history of tuberculosis. The episodes of tuberculosis oc curred 28.7 years ago in average. Fibrotic pulmonary tuberculosis was found in chest roentgenograms of additional 7 patients. It would be suggested that reactivation of tuberculosis play an important role for the development of lymphnode tuberculosis in dialysis patients.<BR>Lymphnode swelling was the most common among the symptoms and signs that led to the diag nosis. Then it was followed by fever, especially fever irresponsive to usual antibiotics, fatigue, weak ness, etc. Lymphnode biopsy was useful for diagnosis in 25 cases. Tubercle bacilli were detected in 4 cases. Seven cases were diagnosed by autopsy.
- 日本結核病学会の論文
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- 透析患者の結核症 : 第8報リンパ節結核の特性
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