齧歯類のMycoplasmaに関する研究 : ラットの慢性呼吸器病由来Mycoplasmaについて
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Biological characteristics, growth inhibition and double gel diffusion tests were studied on 115 strains of mycoplasmas isolated from 73 rats suffering from the chronic respiratory disease from five different colonies. Of the 115 strains, 31 were isolated from lung, 39 from bronchus, 41 from nose and 4 from mouth.<BR>One hundred and fourteen of the 115 strains were identified as <I>Mycoplasma pulmonis</I>, and the rest strain resembled to <I>M. ahthritidis</I> biologically, but did not show any characteristic correspondence to the species in growth inhibition test.<BR>They made large colonies (1 mm to 2 mm in diameter) on modified Edwards medium (AM-1) as reported previously. Central zones of standard strains, PG-22 and T, from mice were less remarkable, but that of rat strains were, generally, slightly remarkable. Surface of the colonies of rat strains were more granular and darker than the standard strains. They required serum for growth, did not grow at 22°C, produced “film and spots” on horse serum agar medium (AM-1), and were beta hemolytic with sheep and guinea pig erythrocytes and alpha hemolytic with horse erythrocytes. They grew well on agar medium aerobically and anaerobically. In semi-solid agar medium, they grew preferably near the surface. They reduced tetrazolium blue and methlene blue, and did not produce hydrogen sulfide and indole. The fermented glucose, mannose, maltose, glycogen and dextrin, but not galactose, lactose, sucrose, salicin and dulucitol. Variations of hemolysis and fructose were discussed. Production of “film and spots” was irregular according to cultural conditions.<BR>In growth inhibition test, some antisera did not inhibit or inhibited weakly the growth of heterologous strains, and one antiserum for strain R-1 inhibited the growth of homologous strains weakly and some heterologous strains strongly. Fifty-two out of 110 strains were inhibited by all of 6 anti-<I>M. pulmonissera</I>, but the remaining 58 strains were not inhibited by some of the antisera. Strain T was highly antigenic, that is, this strain was inhibited by all the 6 antisera, and antiserum of this strain inhibited all 110 strains. This may be one of the reasons why the strain PG-22 had not been identified as <I>M pulmonis</I>until quite recent days. This also indicates that adequate selection of standard strains in serological studies of Mycoplama must be done practically.<BR>By double gel diffusion test, using, the antisera that were absorbed with the liquid medium to remove the antibodies against the ingredients of this medium, especially horse serum, <I>M. pulmonis</I> was shown to have one to three common antigens. It was shown that there were some antigenic differences within <I>M. pulmonis</I> by growth inhibition and double gel diffusion tests.
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- 35 豚の消化管内細菌叢,抗生物質の影響について (第59回日本獣医学会記事)
- 21 Clostridium菌属の研究 (第59回日本獣医学会記事)
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- 69 齧歯類のMycoplasma性肺炎に関する研究 : マウスによるM.pulmonisの感染実験 (微生物学分科会)(第69回日本獣医学会)
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- 32 齧歯類のMycoplasmaに関する研究 : I. ラット呼吸器道由来Mycoplasmaについて (第62回日本獣医学会記事)
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- 3 豚の消化管内細菌叢 (第62回日本獣医学会記事)
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- 20 培養細胞株におけるMycoplasma (PPLO)の汚染について (第60回日本獣医学会記事)
- 齧歯類のMycoplasmaに関する研究 : ラットの慢性呼吸器病由来Mycoplasmaについて
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