非病原性抗酸歯に関する研究 : IV. モルモツト皮内反応による抗原分析について
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Fifteen strains of nonpathogenic acid-fast bacilli isolated from human being, cattle, swine, guinea pig and natural environment were examined for allergenic capacity, so that any critericm for classification of these acid-fast bacilli and any information on no-lesion reactors of cattle might be obtained. Crude tuberculins made from bovine and avian tubercle bacilli and suspensions of killed nonpathogenic acid-fast bacilli were tested as allergens.<BR>As a result, it was found that 8 strains were capable of sensitizing guinea pigs to bovine tuberculin either strongly or weakly, and that 3 and 4 strains were capable of sensitizing guinea pigs to avian tuberculin strongly and somewhat weakly, respectively. Four of the latter 7 strains were indistinguishable from <I>Mycobacterium avium</I> in all biological characters, except pathogenicity.<BR>The results of cross-sensitization experiments suggest the presence of a complicated antigenic relationship between the acid-fast bacilli. It may be possible, however, to divide these organisms roughly into, two groups, a saprophytic type and a type of avian tubercle bacillus.<BR>In classifing acid-fast bacilli by allergenic capacity, it seems that the skin test is of little significance in guinea pigs when it is employed alone, because it occasionally gives results inconsistent with the otherbiological characters. On the other hand, when the skin test is carried out concurrently with some other tests, it will be a helpful aid to the classification of acid-fast bacilli.
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