非病原性抗酸菌に関する研究 : II. 生物学的性状について (その1)
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In a previous study, a total of 72 strains of non-pathogenic acid-fast bacilli isolated from bovine, porcine, human sputum, human smegma, human leprous lesion, leprous rat, guinea-pig and saprophytes were investigated for their morphology in an attempt to classify these strains.<BR>The present study was undertaken to investigate the biological characteristics of the 72 strains with special reference to their cultural characteristics, sensitivity to dyes, survival at 60°C, growth in various temperatures, decolorization by boiling water, neutral red test, production of urease and reduction of potassium tellurate.<BR>It was found that the biological characteristics which might furnish significant keys in the differentia tion of these acid-fast bacilli were survival at 60°C for one hour, growth at 47°C, growth in sorbit NFI<SUB>4</SUB>Cl media, and the production of urease. Furthermore, it seemedthat the growth feature on the methyl violet media was partially significant for identifying the strains.<BR>Seven of 72 strains showed positive reaction in neutral red test. All of such strains were isolated from bovine or porcine organs but non of saprophytes showedpositive results.<BR>Fifteen strains which did not produce urease resembled each other in colony morphology, growth feature on methyl violet media, lack of ability to grow in sorbit NFI<SUB>4</SUB>Cl media and weakness in heat tolerance. All of such strains were isolated from bovine, porcine, or human organs, while all strains of saprophytes produced urease.
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