牛の乳房炎に関する研究 : III.乳房由来のMicrococcaceaeおよびその他の菌種の分類について
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The authors reported previously on the bacterial flora in the udders ofhealthy" and mastitis cows"In consideration of the results obtained, it was strongly felt that in orderto ascertain the causes of mastitis a more detailed classification should be madeof the organisms isolated from both normal and diseased cases.In this connection, in the present report, Micrococcaceae were classified indetail and the results obtained were as follows :1. Taxonomic studies were made on 212 strains of Micrococcaceae.I) Micrococcaceae were classified into 3 large groups, viz., (a) those whichdivide in two planes at right angels from each other fortning tetrads, (b) thosewhich divide in three planes at right angles from each other, forming regularrackets, and (c) those which divide in undefinite tclanes forming irregular masseson the basis of the arrangement of cells.In the past, the microorga-nisms forming tetrads were designated as (;afkyaand those forming regular packets as Sarcina.As there was no reason to classify irregular mass-forming cocci into Sta-phyloccus and Micrococcus, these cocci were termed Staphylococcus.2. Staphylococcus were classified into 3 types on the basis of coagulase produc-lion and their behaviour in carbohydrates fermentation.Strains which produced coagulase and fermented carbohydrates were calledStaphylococcus type I, those which did not produce coagulase, but fermentedcarbohydrates, were called Staphylococczts type II, and those which did notproduce coaglase nor fermented carbohydrates were called Staphylococcus typeIII.Strains classified as Staphylococcus type I, Staphylococcus type II, Staphylo-coccus type III, (;afkya and Sarcina were 51, 104, 4, 19 and 34 respectively.2. Classifications of Lactobacillaceae (Streptococcus) and Corynebacteriaceae weremade according to the classification proposed by OCHI et al. (1958", 1940")and the classification of Gram-negative bacilli by the Bergeys Mannual, 7th Ed.1) Out of the 150 strains of Lactobacillaceae (Streptococcus) examined,120 strains were classified as belonging to the Lactococcus group, 25 strains tothe Enterococcus group and the remaining 5 strains to the Streptococcus group.2) All of the 51 strains of (:orynebacteriaceae were found to belong toCorynebacteriutn and 28 strains were classified as being of Corynebacleriumpseudodiphthericum type I, 14 as of Qorynebacterium pyogenes and 9 as of(:orynebacterium pseudodi phthericum II.3) Out of the 33 strains of Gram-negative bacilli available for examina-tion, 17 strains were classified as Paracolobactrum, 3 strains as Escherichia and13 as non-identified Gram-negative bacilli.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1958-08-30
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- 10. Micrococcaceae の分類に関する研究 (第45回日本獣医学会記事)
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- Staphylococcusに関する研究-4-
- Staphylococcusに関する研究-3-
- Staphylococcusに関する研究-2-
- Staphylococcusに関する研究-2-
- Staphylococcusに関する研究-1-