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A case report of multiple maglignant lymphoma in the gingiva.<BR>We recently experienced a case of malignant lymphoma arising from the gingiva of both upper and lower jaws in a multiple fashion, with the case report described hereinafter. The patient was a 55 year old male with swelling of the gingival mucosa for 2 months. The diagnosis of advanced alveolar pyorrhoea was made in a certain dental clinic and the patient was then referred to our department. He looked pale ad hypertrophic lymph nodes were palpable in both submandibles and left neck. Extended chronic swelling of the gingiva was confirmed from the oral examination, which especially remarkable in the molar region of the left mandible. Malignant tumor was suspected based on the clinical findings, and subsequently performed radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy resulted in a disappearance of the tumor in the oral cavity and of swelling of lymph node. However, a metastasis into the right lung field was observed, for which a similar treatment was given and resulted in a disappearance of the tumor. Clinically, he was diagnosed as non-Hodqkin's malignant lymphoma is Stage II E according to the classification by Ann Arbor. Histopathologically, on the other hand, a diffuse lymphoma of large cell type was diagnosed based on LSG classification.
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