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Though there have been several reports of tooth eruption in the maxillary sinus, eruption in the superior wall of the maxillary sinus is very rare. In most cases, the inverted tooth is situated in the floor of the maxillary sinus.<BR>We encountered a rare case of a wisdom tooth erupting in the superior wall of the right maxillary sinus. The patient, a 21-year-old female, was referred with mobilization of the upper right first and second molars and a purulent dischage in the same gingival margin. Roentgenographic and computed tomographic examination revealed lower radiolucency in the right maxillary sinus than in the left, and a tooth-like structure in the posterior and inner regions of the superior wall of the same maxillary sinus. Clinical diagnosis was odontogenic maxillary sinusitis due to an infection of the erupted tooth in right maxillary sinus.<BR>Under general anesthesia, the erupted tooth was extracted and radical operation was performed according to Caldwell-Luc method, the removed tooth appeared to be the upper right wisdom tooth, based on the morphological findings and absence of an upper right wisdom tooth in the oral cavity.<BR>Postoperative recovery was without complication. There were no signs of recurrence 2 years after the operation.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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- 突発的に穿孔を来した粘膜下口蓋裂の 1 例とその音声言語学的検討
- 鼻咽腔閉鎖機能における流体力学的および内視鏡学的観察
- 22. 上顎切除後に生じる構音障害に関する考察(第 47 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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- 31. 術後性上顎欠損症例における音声言語学的研究(第 1 報)(第 45 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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- 歯牙腫の2例
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- CRシステムのパノラマX線撮影法への応用
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- 下顎舌側に発生した骨腫の1例
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- 部分的無歯症の1例
- 興味ある組織像を示したエナメル上皮腫の1例
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- Effect of preoperative intratumoral injection of OK-432 in oral cancer patients:I. Immunohistologic analysis of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes
- A case of median mandibular cyst and its review the literature.
- Concentrations of 5-FU in the tissues of the patients with oral cancer after administration of fluoropyrimidine derivative(SF-S).
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- 特に上下顎片側に腫瘤状肥大を呈した歯肉線維腫症の1例
- Analysis of tongue movements by use of optical sensing system
- A case of clear cell adenoma in the oral floor.
- 口底に発現した類皮嚢胞の一例とその音声楽的観察
- Two cases of dermoid cyst and epidermoid cyst which occurred relatively rare places.
- A case review of palatal perforation with syphilis and its study by phonetic philology.
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