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A rare case of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the right maxilla of a 46-year-old man was presented.<BR>The patient was treated by preoperative radiation with 3, 500 rad of linac which was uneffective, and then radical resection of the tumor and radical neck dissection were performed. Chemotherapy with high dose methotrexate and leucovorin was employed and was very effective for the recurrence of the intraoral wound one month after the surgical procedure. However, the administration of high dose methotrexate was stopped because of the complication of severe myelosuppression. Finally, he died due to bleeding from the recurrent tumor eight months after his first admission.<BR>Histopathologically, the biopsy specimen revealed numerous variably shaped cartilageous islands separated by sheets of poorly differentiated mesenchymal cell. The chondrocytes in most areas showed enlargement of the nuclei and an open chromatin network.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
谷岡 博昭
谷岡 博昭
枡田 茂穂
前田 文仁
村上 通隆
森 恵造
橋本 温
森 恵造
前田 文仁
枡田 茂穂
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- タイトル無し
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