Immunohistochemical study on the myoepithelial cell using anti-smooth-muscle-myosin antibody.
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In the present study, the myosin heavy chain was extracted and purified from the chicken gizzards to obtain the specific marker of the myoepithelial cells (MEC.). The purified myosin heavy chain was injected into two rabbits for immunization, and anti-smooth-musclemyosin antibody was prepared from the antisera. Fresh frozen sections of the major salivary gland, exorbital lacrimal gland, lactating mammary gland and prostate of the rat were observed under fluorescence microscopy.<BR>Strong fluorescence was shown in these glands, and it coincided with the configuration of the MECs except for the prostate. The terminal webs of the acinar cells were also stained weakly. In addition to the MECs, all structures known to contain smooth muscle showed intense fluorescence: Fluorescence was specifically intense at all blood vessels from arteries and veins down to arterioles and venules and at the muscular stroma of the prostate.<BR>In the sublingual gland, the MECs were more developed than the MECs of the submandibular gland. It was recognized that the processes of the MEC: were rarely existed at the excretory duct of the submandibular gland. In the parotid gland, the processes of the MECs were interspersed at the basal side of the acini, and it just showed the waste-thread-like appearance. No MECs was found in the prostate. in spite of the exhaustive observation of many specimens.<BR>Moreover, major salivary glands were made to react with anti-S-100b monoclonal antibody, which was thought to be a nonspecific marker of the MECs, but they showed no fluorescence.<BR>It was considered that anti-myosin antibody was an immunohistochemical specific maker of the MECs with low grade spieces specificity and tissue specificity.
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