顎顔面骨骨折の臨床的研究 : 第2報: 10年間の実態と地域的考察
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We conducted a clinical and statistical analysis on 421 cases of maxillo-facial fractures at the clinic of the Oral Surgery Department of Ryukyus University Hospital during the ten years period from October 1973 to September 1983.<BR>1) Out of the 421 cases annalyzed, 201 cases (47.7%) were inpatients and 220 cases (52.3%) were outpatients.<BR>2) One hundred and twenty-three cases (29.3%) were found in the twenties age group, 122 cases (29.0%) in the teen age group, 328 cases were male patients and 93 cases were female patients. The ratio of the male to the female was 3.5 to 1.<BR>3) There were 159 cases (37.3%) caused by traffic accidents, 100 cases (23.8%) by fist blows, and 47 cases (11.2%) by overturning.<BR>4) Ninety-nine cases (23.5%) of all patients visited our hospital within 24 hours, 152 cases (36.1%) within three days, and so on. The fresh fractures injuried within two weeks were 373 cases (88.6%). The remaining cases were old fractures.<BR>5) One hundred and eighteen cases (28. 0%) were refered to us from private dental clinics, 97 cases (23.8%) from prefectual hospital, and so on.<BR>6) Of all the facial fractures, 291 cases (69. 1%) were found in mandible, 94 cases (22.3%) in maxilla (including the middle third facial region), 63 cases (8.5%) in the combined mandible and maxilla. The fractures of the bodies of the mandible, the maxilla and the middle third facial region were 325 cases (77.1%). The fracture of the alveolar process of the mandible and maxilla were 96 cases (22.3%). Regarding the fractures of the bodies, 249 cases were found in the mandible, 52 cases in the maxilla (including the middle third facial region), 26 cases in the combined mandible and maxilla.<BR>7) In the region of the mandible, most frequent fractures were found in the region of the molar and the angle, second were in the incisal region and third were in the region of the condylar process. According to the Le-Fort classification (including unilateral fractures) there were 21 cases of Le-Fort III, 9 cases of Le-Fort II. Unilateral fracture of the zygoma was seen in 38 cases.<BR>8) One hundred and eighty cases (65. 5%) of the mandibular fractures were result of direct force, and most of the fractures of the maxilla from direct force.<BR>9) The complications of 1, 148 cases were observed in our cases in the area of associated injuries, 294 cases were found in the oral mucosa, 217 cases in the teeth, 266 cases in the facial skin, and so on. There were 169 cases of unconciousness, and 65 cases with fractures other than facial.
山城 正宏
新崎 章
儀間 裕
金城 孝
藤井 信男
仲宗根 康雄
仲宗根 康雄
本村 和彌
富島 修
金城 秀男
富島 修
金城 秀男
本村 和彌
儀間 裕
儀間 裕
藤井 信男
藤井 信男
藤井 信男
新崎 章
山城 正宏
金城 孝
新崎 章
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- Study on structure and property of salivary calculi.
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- Statistical survey of 376 patients referred from private dental clinics to the department clinic of oral surgery, Ryukyu university school of medicine.
- A clinical and statistical study on maxillofacial fractures from work related accidents.
- タイトル無し
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