A clinical and statistical study on maxillofacial fractures from work related accidents.
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Oral and maxillofacial surgeons should give more consideration to maxillofacial fractures from the aspect of occupational and environmental health.<BR>Forty-one cases with work related maxillofacial fractures treated at the Department of Oral Surgery, Ryukyu University Hospital, were reviewed.<BR>They were all males and the majority of the cases were in the twenties to fifties. Mandibular fractures were most frequent (46. 3%). Fracture of the maxilla occurred in 8 cases (14. 8%) and fracture of the zygomatic complex in 15 cases (27. 7%). A comparatively low number (11. 2%) of alveolar fractures was seen.<BR>Yearly distribution of the maxillofacial fractures remarkably paralleled with the changes in the rate of economic growth.<BR>The most common occupation among the patients involved was a factory worker. Thirty nine per cent of the patients sustained fractures at a construction site and falling was the most usual type of accident.<BR>Only 1 case (2. 4%) was referred to the Ryukyu University Hospital from a private dental clinic.<BR>A great number of complications such as tooth fractures, injury or paresthesia of the facial skin, unconsciousness, infection, and fractures other than facial ones were observed.
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