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Fibrous dysplasia is a benign fibro-osseus lesion characterized by the replacement of fibrous connective tissue within the spongiosa of the affected bone. The term "fibrous dysplasia" was coined by Lichtenstein in 1938 to describe certain distinctive benign fibro-osseus skeletal changes. The pathological etiology of fibrous dysplasia is unknown, but now, it is believed that the cause was perverted activity of a specific bone-forming mesenchyme.<BR>We recently experienced two cases in which these diseases broke out in the maxilla.<BR>Case 1. A 44-year-old man with chief complaint of swelling in the right maxilla body at our department of oral surgery May 11, 1981. Under the diagnosis of suspected fibrous dysplasia, the lesion of the disease was curetted at the 1 st operation. 1 week after the 1st operation, recurrence was found. 4 months after the 1 st operation, excision of lesion including the normal region was made. The histo-pathological and scanning electron microscopic findngs of the specimens showed fibrous dysplasia. The prognosis is favorable without any relapse tendency 4 years and 6 months since the 2nd operation.<BR>Case 2. A 10-year-old boy with chief complaint of swelling in the left maxilla body at our department of oral surgery on January 31, 1983. Under the diagnosis of suspected fibrous dysplasia, curettage of the lesion was made. The histo-pathological and scanning electron microscopic findings showed fibrous dysplasia. The prognosis is favorable without any relapse tendency 4 years and 6 months since the operation.
橋本 昌典
北村 和也
村田 睦男
平野 吉雄
米田 穣爾
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