金属製顎修復インプラントについての検討-Champy のミニプレートの生体内における変化と為害作用を中心に-
- 論文の詳細を見る
We studied the changes in the body and the effects on the surrounding tissues of the Champy miniature screwed plate, which is most commonly used as an implant for jaw reconstruction and obtained the following results.<BR>The Champy miniature screwed plate is made of SUS 316 stainless steel, a biomaterial thought to be corrosion resistant and biocompatible because the metal has a passive film of Cr<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>. However in some recent experiments, it has been found to corrode in the body. In the present SEM findings, corrosion was noted on the surface of the miniature screwed plate after clinical use, and the presence of Fe, Cr, Ni eluted from the plate was detected in the surrounding tissues by emission spectral analysis. Additionally, the implanted miniature screwed plate was encapsulated by fibrous tissues as a result of metallosis, and the adjacent bone cortex was absorbed.<BR>In the present study, the causative agent could not be identified, but in some cases, symptoms of dermatitis were noted due to a type IV allergic reaction to the eluted metal, a known sensitizing hapten. Moreover, induction of a tumor by a metallic implant in jaw reconstruction recently has been reported, and the eluted metal, hypertrophy of the fibrous capsule, and mechanical stimulation were considered etiologic factors.<BR>An obvious causal relationship has not yet been proven between tumor induction and allergic reaction of the metallic implant in jaw reconstruction, but its risk cannot be ignored and further investigation is required. At the present, for the sake of safety, the implant should be removed as soon as possible once the treatment purpose has been achieved.
村田 睦男
平野 吉雄
古田 正彦
石浜 信之
別所 和久
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