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Hemangioma occurs frequently in the head and neck region. There are, however, relatively few reports of phleboliths occurring with hemangioma.<BR>This report describes a case of multiple hemangiomas occurring with phleboliths in the oral region. A 45-year-old Japanese man was referred to this clinic with a chief complaint of tumors in the oral cavity. Hemangiomas were found on the bilateral buccal mucosa, tongue, right mandibular gingiva, oral floor and lower lip.<BR>Surgical resection and Laser treatment were applied, and two phleboliths were extirpated. One of these phleboliths was dissected and its cut surface was examined with an X-ray microanalyser. The cut surface was of a stratiform construction in a concentric configuration. Ca, P, Mg, S, Na, O, C, Cl and Al were detected by point analysis. The concentration distributions of Ca and P were almost equal by line analysis.<BR>Postoperatively, round and oval radiopaque shadows were seen on a CT scan at the anterior border of the right masseter, the interior border of the internal pterygoid muscle and the left superior submandibular gland.
田川 俊郎
紀平 浩之
村田 睦男
平野 吉雄
橋本 敏
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