Clinical study of lymphocyte subsets in regional lymph node of head and neck cancer patients.
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The distribution of immunocompetent cells in regional lymph node of 19 patients of head and neck cancer (repetition of 2 patients) was investigated by lazar flow cytometry using the monoclonal antibody against the lymphoid surface antigen. A lymphadenitis patient and a malignant lymphoma patient were also investigated.<BR>The monoclonal antibodies used in this study and their specificities were T 3 (CD3: mature T lymphocytes), T 4 (CD 4: helper/inducer T lymphocytes), T 8 (CD 8: suppressor/cytotoxic T lymphocytes), B 1 (CD 20: pan B lymphocytes), I 2 (B lymphocytes, activated T lymphocytes and some monocytcs), NKH-1 (natural killer cell).<BR>We divided the regional lymph nodes into five classes in the following way: no metastasis group (N (-) group (n=17)), negative lymph node cf metastasis cases (N (+) negative group (n=19)), positive lymph node of metastasis cases (N (+) positive group (n=14)), lymphadenitis (n=2), malignant lymphoma (n=1).<BR>The existence of metastasis of the regional lymph node was judged morphologically by H.E. staining.<BR>The percentage of T 3<SUP>+</SUP>, T 4<SUP>+</SUP> showed tendencies of decrease in the following order: N (-) group, N (+) negative group and N (+) positive group (p<0.05, P<0.01).<BR>The percentage of B 1<SUP>+</SUP> and I 2<SUP>+</SUP> showed tendencies of increase in the following order: N (-) group, N (+) negative group and N (+) positive group (B 1: p<0.1, p<0.02).<BR>The "T helper/T suppressor" ratio (T 4<SUP>+</SUP>/T 8<SUP>+</SUP>) showed significant increase in the following order: N (-) group, N (+) negative group and N (+) positive group (p<0.05, p<0.01).<BR>They showed no specific increase and decrease of T 8<SUP>+</SUP> lymphocytes in N (-) group, N (+) negative group and N (+) positive group. It was considered that the decrease of T 4<SUP>+</SUP>/T 8<SUP>+</SUP> was mainly due to the decrease in T 4<SUP>+</SUP> lymphocytes.<BR>NKH-1<SUP>+</SUP> lymphocyte was under 5% in all lymph nodes, and its average was about 1%. In regard to the percent of N (-) group and N (+) negative group, they showed a significant increase (p<0. 1), so we considered that it was due to the defect of NKH-1<SUP>+</SUP> lymphocytes in the lymph node.<BR>The amount of lymphocytes subsets in lymph nodes of lymphadenitis were almost that of those in N (-) group.<BR>In regard to the lymphocytes subscts in malignant lymphoma, they showed an extreme decrease of T 3<SUP>+</SUP> & T 4<SUP>+</SUP> lymphocytes, and an almost high level of B 1<SUP>+</SUP> & I 2<SUP>+</SUP> lymphocytes. So it was suspected to be B cell lymphema.<BR>We considered that the fall of the immunocompetent cells in regional lymph nodes of head and neck cancer patients with metastasis was caused by the decrease in the T 4<SUP>+</SUP> lymphocytes.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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