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It is well known that periosteum grafts have a potential for osteogenesis. In this experimental study, the author examined the osteogenic capacity of chilled periosteum and frozen-thawed periosteum grafts and compared them with that of control fresh grafts.<BR>Both donors and recipients of the grafts used in this study were derived from inbred star male rats of 6 weeks post partum and weighed between 180-200 g. The periosteum of the parietal bone was first removed from freshly killed donor rats using aseptic procedures. Then, a set of the grafts was incubated at 4°C for 6 hours and the other sets were frozen at-30°C and-80°C, stored for 6 hours, and thawed at 37°C. After this, all grafts were implanted into an intra-muscular site of each recipient. The animals were killed at 3, 7, 14, or 21 days after grafting. The grafts, together with adjacent muscles, were removed and examined by soft X-ray. The grafts were also examined histologically. The sections were stained with H-E and von Kossa.<BR>The grafts stored at 4°C for 6 hours did not differ greatly from the control fresh grafts. The grafts showed a proliferative cellular response and a new bone formation at7 days after grafting, although the rate of new bone formation was low. In contrast, the grafts stored at-30°C and-80°C for 6 hours showed a calcification in the tissues. Therefore, the short term storage of these grafts at-30°C and-80°C for 6 hours caused a loss of the osteogenic capacity and an irreversible change in the periosteum. Calcification of the grafts took place during the degenerative process. At 21 days after grafting, however, the bones and calcified tissues of all transplanted grafts started to be resorbed.<BR>these results mentioned above suggested the following possibilities. To obtain the best results with periosteal grafts, it is important to maintain the grafts in a viable condition. Further, a chilled periosteum appears to have a promising possibilitiy as a graft provided that it is only stored for a short period of time. As reported in earlier studies, calcification in the periosteum may have a possibility of osteogenesis. In this study, however, calcification induced no formation of new bone. Thus, it appears that osteogenesis from the calcified tissues depends mostly on the environmental factors around the graft and the recipient bed.
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