A study on the fixation effect of the titanium bone screw.
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A study on the fixation effect of the Titanium bone screw with the view of examining the fixative ability of the titanium bone screw for fixing osteosynthetic mini-plate, the change in strain upon bone destraction with the depth of the screw implantation was determined by dynamic strain gauge, using pig mandibular compact bone, in experiment 1.<BR>In experiment 2, using canine mandibular, changes in strain upon loosening implanted titanium bone screw and stainless steel bone screw (immediately after implantation) 2 and 12 weeks after implantation were determined by the same gauge and were converted into torque.<BR>The following results were obtained from the comparative examina tion of both there experiments. In experiments 1, strain was increased with an increase in the depth of implantation of the titanium bone screw.<BR>In experiment 2, loosening torque showed almost equal values for both titanium and stainless steel immediately following implantation and decreases of almost equal values 2 weeks thereafter. 12 weeks thereafter, it showed increasing tendencies for both these metals and that to a distinctly high extent for titanium.<BR>The above results revealed a proportional increase in the holding ability of titanium bone screw to the depth of its implantation. In terms of the loosening torque time change, titanium showed a distinctly higher value than stainless steel 12 weeks after implantation suggesting titanium to be in state of its osseointegration. Namely, the osseointegration characteristic of titanium was suggested to increase the intraosseous fixative ability of the bone screw.<BR>Therefore, titanium, which has a satisfactory dynamic strength and increases holding power on the bone, was considered to be a useful bio-material.
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