A case of basal cell ameloblastoma of the maxilla.
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper reports a basal cell ameloblastoma affecting a 66-year-old man whose chief complaint was swelling of the left maxillogingival region.<BR>Buccal cavity examination showed an edentulous jaw with an elastic soft bulge and a tiny round ulcer in the left maxillary tubercle. X-ray examination indicated comparatively clear-cut bone resorption in the left maxillary tubercle. Exploratory excision resulted in a histopathological diagnosis of ameloblastoma, which prompted us to perform left partial maxillectomy. One year and 7 months after the operation, relapse occurred across the pterygoplatine fossa towards the proper nasal cavity. Under these conditions, maxillectomy was reperformed.<BR>Histopathological examination of the removed portion of the maxilla showed the presence cells which principally resembled basal cells. These basal-like cells were partly continuous with the mucous epithelium and became increasingly diffuse with increasing depth.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
木下 靱彦
神奈川歯科大学 口腔外科
窪田 展久
神奈川歯科大学 口腔外科 第2講座
渡辺 是久
神奈川歯科大学 歯保存
大塚 亨
志村 介三
渡辺 是久
田畑 孝敏
志村 介三
大塚 亨
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