- 論文の詳細を見る
Today, it is very important to establish the technology for extracting energy from Solar Heat and Ocean Powers.<BR>We made and placed the air chamber in the experimental tank of the wave simulator. The wave height and the air pressure in the chamber were measured by the combination of nine different diameters orifices wave periods.<BR>The efficiency of energy conversion from the average wave oscillation to the average air blowing through the orifice was examined in relation to the effect of the wave period and the area ratio (the orifice area/the air chamber cross sectional area) .<BR>The followings are main conclusion ;<BR>1. The method fo wave simulation was completed and arbitrary wave periods and wave heights were generated in the experimental tank.<BR>2. The pressure in the air chamber oscillates because of the interaction between the inertia of water and the compressibility of air.<BR>3. The efficiency of energy conversion, ηbecomes worst at the point of that the crest of natural vibration of the experimental tank and the air chamber meets the trough of forced vibration.
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