液-液直接接触式熱交換器に関する実験研究-1-ペンタンの蒸発率〔含 質疑応答〕
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Liquid-liquid direct contact heat exchangers have many advantages over conventional multi-tubular type exchangers from the point of view of area of heat exchange and scaling. However, the mechanism of liquid-liquid direct contact heat exchange is so complicated that many experimental researches are going on.<BR>Hot water and n-Pentane are mixed and exchanged each other in a acrylic cylinder, 40 mm dia. and 220 mm height, of our experimental apparatus.<BR>It is the main object of our research to observe flooding phenomenon of n-Pentane from the cylinder since research reports about the flooding phenomenon are very rare and a portion of liquid n-Pentane still exists in hot water at higher temperature than its boiling point. The evaporation rate of n-Pentane is an important scale of exchanged heat flux between hot water and n-Pentane.<BR>We have found evaporation rate of n-Pentane (evaporated n-Pentane/injected n-Pentane) from the measurement of flooding n-Pentane. From the measurement results, the evaporation rate (λ) is expressed by superheated temperature (Δ<I>T<SUB>W</SUB></I>) of hot water and the mass flow rate (φ=n-Pentane/hot water) . Equation of the rate is obtained as follow;<BR>λ=1-exp{-[Δ<I>T</I><SUB><I>w</I></SUB>-(10∅+2.0)/16∅<SUP>0.6</SUP>]} where Δ<I>T<SUB>W</SUB></I> = <I>T<SUB>l</SUB></I>-<I>T<SUB>b</SUB></I><BR><I>T<SUB>l</SUB></I>: Inlet hot water temperature (K) . <I>T<SUB>b</SUB></I> : Boiling temperature of water and n-Pentane mixture (K) . φ : Mass flow rate (n-Pentane/hot water) .<BR>The equation is in accord with the experimental results in all superheated temperature region at hot water flow of 8.33×10<SUP>-6</SUP> (m<SUP>3</SUP>/s) . And it differs about 5-10% at hot water flow of 16.7×10<SUP>-6</SUP> (m<SUP>3</SUP>/s) . The experimental equation can be adopted to estimate evaporation rate, and the experimental process is acceptable to observe the flooding phenomenon in Liquid-Liquid Direct Contanct Heat Exchange.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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