- 論文の詳細を見る
We have analysed statistically on damage data of propulsive shaftings for the classed ships with Japanese flags by means of application of quantification theory. Then the effect of factors on the maintenance of propulsive shaftings has been studied quantitatively. The main conclusion obtained are as follows:<BR>(1) The amount of maintenance in water lubricated type has a tendency to become larger than that in oil lubricated type irrespective of other factors.<BR>(2) The amount of maintenance in water lubricated type shows time-dependent trend; it generally takes little cost within 4 years but much becomes to be required after that. Then, with the lapse of time the factors other than ships age extend their influence on the amount of maintenance.<BR>Those factors are ranked as power of engine, ships age, kind of cycle, propeller revolution, coupling type of shaft in order of decreasing influence.<BR>(3) The amount of maintenace in oil lubricated type is affected by 5 factors as well as in the case of the water lubricated type. Their ranks are, however, as propeller revolution, coupling type of shaft, power of engine, kind of cycle, ships age in the order of decreasing influence. The factor, ships age, which is ranked higher in water lubricated type, is the bottom rank. In other words, this type shows time-independent trend contrary to the water lubricated type. Next the affect of categories in each factor on the amount of mainterance has been examined.For example, as the power of engine increases that has both effects diminishing and increasing the amount of maintenance in water-lubricated type and oil-lubricated type, respectively. Propeller revolution and coupling type of shaft are listed as the factors which have adverse effect such as power according to the lubriated type.<BR>(4) It has been shown that the amount of maintenance can be illustrated as Fault Tree diagram by means of influential factors, and consequently represented as the structure function considering their influential vector.<BR>(5) It has been shown that the amount of maintenance can be represented as Fuzzy Set by transforming structure function and probability distribution function or value of exceedence probability function into element value and membership function, respectively.
- 社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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