Analysis of Vibrations of Reciprocating Engine Shaftings by the Transfer Matrix Method:The first report, Analysis of Forced Vibrations of a Crankshaft
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This report refers to the 3 dimensional analysis of forced vibrations of a crankshaft in reciprocating internal combustion engines by the transfer matrix method. In this method each order amplitude of forced vibrations per engine speed can be calculated.<BR>In this vibration model the crankshaft is virtually divided into many elements and the transfer matrices are determined for each element, which is defined as mass-elasticity system in 3 dimensioned space. The matrices for the damping characteristics and elasticity of the support bearings, the externally applied forces, crank phase angle between each crank throw, etc. are also determined. These transfer matrices are then connected regularly from the left hand side to the right hand side of the crankshaft. After being connected the boundary conditions at both ends are respectively given and hence all unknown state vectors can be calculated. This enables all the vibration modes of the crankshaft to be analysed.<BR>The second report will refer to the numerical calculation and the comparisons with measured data of torsional vibration.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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- Analysis of Vibrations of Reciprocating Engine Shaftings by the Transfer Matrix Method:The first report, Analysis of Forced Vibrations of a Crankshaft
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