食品の防黴に関する研究 : (第4報) Polarographによる食品中のVitamin K3の定量
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Vitamin K3 can be determined polarographically in a buffered solution containing 0.1 N potassium chloride and 20 per cent of isopropanol. The polarogram (Fig. 1.) shows the well defined reduction wave at -0. 25 volt vs. S. C. E. (at pH 7.0), under this condition the wave heights are proportional to the concentration of vitamin K3 (Fig. 5.). For the determination of vitamin K3 in food products, the wave heights of polarograms of sample solutions prepared as follows are measured; A:the ether extract from the food product is dissolved in 2 volume of isopropanol and then 3 volume of 1/3 N potassium chloride aqueous solution and 5 volume of MCILVAINES buffer solution (pH 7.0) are added to this solution; B:the same, sample added with known concentration of standard vitamin K3 is treated as above. Then the vitamin K3 in the food product can be calculated with the following equation. a=b×α/β-α a:vitamin K3 in food product, b:added standard vitamin K3, α: wave height of A solution, β: wave height of B solution. If the polarogram shows irregular form as Fig. 4., the two sample solutions must be filtered with dry filter paper.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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