Effective Intravenous Thrombolytic Therapy in a Patient with Cerebral Infarction Associated with Left Atrial Myxoma
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A 70-year-old man presented with sudden onset of global aphasia and right hemiplegia. Brain MRI revealed occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery. He was diagnosed as having a hyperacute cerebral infarction. Intravenous thrombolytic therapy was started, and the neurological symptoms were resolved after 11 h. Echocardiography showed a mobile mass in the left atrium, suspicious of a myxoma. The tumor was resected and pathologically diagnosed as a myxoma. In this patient, intravenous thrombolytic therapy was effective, and no adverse effects were observed. This suggests that, even with complications of myxoma, thrombolytic therapy can be considered if there are no contraindications.
- 社団法人 日本内科学会の論文
Abe Mayumi
Department Of Laboratory Medicine National Hospital Organization Kagoshima Medical Center
Kawase Yasuhiro
Department Of Neonatology Toho University School Of Medicine
Oaki Yoshiharu
Department Of Pathology Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital
Haruta Shoji
Department Of Cardiology The Heart Institute Of Japan Tokyo Women's Medical University
Yamada Yuichiro
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Takeda Takahiro
Department Of Bioengineering And Robotics Tohoku University
Ohashi Takashi
Department Of Demyelinating Disease And Aging National Institute Of Neuroscience Ncnp
ISHII Yosuke
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital
Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Nippon Medical School, Chiba Hokuso Hospital
Abe Mayumi
Department of Neurology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Yachiyo Medical Center, Japan
Kohama Ai
Department of Neurology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Yachiyo Medical Center, Japan
Ishikawa Akimi
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Yachiyo Medical Center, Japan
Kohama Ai
Department of Neurology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Yachiyo Medical Center, Japan
Haruta Shoji
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Yachiyo Medical Center, Japan
Yamada Yuichiro
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Yachiyo Medical Center, Japan
Bessho Ryuzo
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital, Japan
Bessho Ryuzo
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Nippon Medical School, Chiba Hokusoh Hospital, Inzai, Chiba, Japan
Ishikawa Akimi
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Yachiyo Medical Center, Japan
Ishii Yosuke
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital, Japan
Kawase Yasuhiro
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital, Japan
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