A case of mycosis fungoides which invased to esophageal mucous membrane and intra oral mucosa.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A case of Mycosis Fungoides (MF) with involvement of the esophagus and oral mucosa is reported. These lesions responded well to intensive chemotherapy and disappeared macroscopically in his clinical course. After a strain of chemotherapy, he could get back to his daily life for about one year with oral administration of etoposide plus maintenance chemotherapy once in every six month. He died about two years after the extracutaneous involvement was recognized because of the cerebral hernia caused by tuberculous meningoencephalitis. This is the first report of MF case who showed the symptom of esophageal stenosis caused by the massive involvement. There have been ten cases of MF with oral involvement preveously and most of them showed poor prognosis.
岡本 祐之
今村 貞夫
田中 俊宏
古川 福実
伊村 明浩
福原 資郎
水野 可魚
水野 可魚
松村 康洋
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