皮膚悪性黒色腫79例の予後―特にStage II・IIIにおける治療法と予後について―
- 論文の詳細を見る
Seventy-nine patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma treated at Kanazawa University Hospital between 1975 and 1990 were reviewed to evaluate prognostic factors. Stage at diagnosis, Clarks level, and thickness of the primary lesion were identified as significant prognostic variables. An analysis of the survival of 57 patients with stage II and stage III disease did not reveal a benefit for elective lymph node dissection and postsurgical adjuvant chemotherapy. However, although stasitically not significant, a group of patients receiving presurgical combination chemotherapy with DTIC, ACNU, and vincristine (DAV) tended to have better prognosis than those underwent surgery without chemotherapy. The prognosis of 5 cases who received presurgical fast neutron beam irradiation was also reported.
高田 実
広根 孝衛
広根 孝衛
野村 佳弘
鳥居 靖史
谷口 章
谷口 章
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- 皮膚悪性黒色腫79例の予後―特にStage II・IIIにおける治療法と予後について―
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