Case of malignant melanoma showing tisue construction of nevocellular nevus.
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A 53-year-old man had noticed a pigmented lesion on his left palm from infancy. The pigmented lesion began to increase in size 10 years previously. The physical examination revealed a 17×12mm dark brown, irregularly shaped tumor. Histologically, there was a symmetrical growth of tumor cells from the epidermis into the lower dermis. The tumor cell showed slight atypia in the epidermis and papillary dermis, but cells in the lower dermis showed no cellular atypism. The patient was treated by the single excision and skin graft without elective lymphnode dissection. He died 7 years later due to the widespread metastases affecting left axillar lymphnode, colon and brain. We considered as a malignant melanoma showing histological similarity to nevocellular nevus.
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