Malignant melanoma combined with vitiligo.A case of malignant melanoma combined with vitiligo on long term survival for 13 years repeated with in-transit metastasis.
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We reported a case of malignant melanoma accompanied by multiple vitiligo withafairly Long course. The patient, a 74-year-old female, developed a small nodule with ulceration on the sole of the right foot. Physical examination revealed an ulcerated nodule on the right sole, multiple nodules on the right leg, and many hypopigmented macules on the Legs, trunk and neck. The tumors were resected and the patient underwent combination chemothelapy with DTIC, ACNU and VCR. Histological findings were consistant with amelanotic nodular melanoma. Two years after tumor resection, a nodule recurred on the right sole and was resected again. Although in-transit metastases repeatedly developed on the right lower lib after the second surgery, no evidence of distant metastasis was noted until she died of senility 13 years after the first tumor resection. The long survival observed in the present case might be related to the immune response Lo pigment cells, which was clinically manifested as melanoma associated vitiligo.
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