DNA synthesis of the mucosa of the gallbladder estimated by bromodeoxyuridine(BrdU)-anti BrdU in vitro method in patients with various gallbladder disorders.:anti BrdU in vitro method in patients with various gallbladder disorders
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The precancerous state in the gallbladder disorders is an interesting problem in oncology. We studied the DNA synthetic potency by using BrdU-anti BrdU monoclonal antibody in vitro method in patients who underwent cholecystectomy with various gall bladder disorders. The results (BrdU labeling indeces; mean±SD) were as follows; (1)carcinoma; 4.8±1.9%, (2)adenoma; 3.3±2.9%, (3)dysplasia; 3.5±1.3%, (4)control; 0.4±0.3%. (5)abnormal pancreatico-choledocho-ductal junction; 0.4±0.2% (the surrounding portions of carcinoma and dysplasia). BrdU L.I. was the greatest in carcinoma and the second geatest in dysplasia and adenoma. It is suggested that dysplasia and adenoma are the precancerous states in gallbladder disorders. While, in the cell types of carcinoma, the L.I. was the greatest in undifferentiated type, followed by tubular type and papillary type was the smallest.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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