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The expressed purpose of odor control is to eliminate the pollution caused by offensive odors. The present Offensive Odor Control Law in Japan, however, does not cover complex odors which are actually emitted. Some local authorities, e.g. the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, have enacted so-called Sensory Regulation Bylaws based on actual human sensory responses, using the odor dilution number. Then considerable results have been obtained in terms of magnification of the regulation extent. But if the sensory evaluation system is used to evaluate all aspects of the odor problem, it must be made more pervasive by including the sensory characteristics of the exhaust odors from actual sources.In this study, a multiple regression analysis was used to examine the relationships between the concentrations of the various constituents of complex odors and the odor dilution threshold(D/T). From the examination about odors emitted from a pig farm and dead animal processings, or rendering plants, the following results were obtained.1) Changes in odor intensity or unpleasantness of pig farm odors by dilution are less than changes in odors from dead animal processings.2) For rendering odors, the D/T value is high due to free fatty acids, such as butylic or varelic acid, which, however, are not regulated by the present laws.3) Even a low concentration odorants may strongly effect the sense of smell.4) D/T values can be estimated from the 5 or 6 principle odorants from the sources considered here together with R2>0.99 and SE<50.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
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