- 論文の詳細を見る
Eight group of rats, with 4 animals in each group, were subcutaneously injected with a single dose of methylmercury (MMC) of 0 (control), 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 or 35mg/kg body weight, respectively. Two days after the injection, two out of four animals in each group were sacrificed by cardiac puncture. Another two in each group of rats were sacrificed on day 7 after the injection. Gas-chromatographic analyses of fatty acids were carried out on the samples of liver, kidney, brain, blood cells and plasma taken from the rats to investigate the effects of MMC on lipid metabolism. The effect of quantitative changes of food consumption on the lipid components is also discussed in this paper. Results obtained are as follows:1) Following the injection of MMC, the amount of food consumption of rats decreased with increases in the dose of MMC. Weight gain ratios during the experimental period of 7 days after the injection of MMC were dependent on the amount of food consumption.2) Two days after the injection, the concentrations of polyenic acid of the ω-6 series (ω-6) in the liver and those of the ω-3 series (ω-3) in the kidney and plasma increased with increases in the dose of MMC, while the concentrations of saturated and monoenic acids (Sat+Mono), ω-6, ω-3 and hydroxy fatty acid (OH-FA) in the brain decreased with increases in the dose of MMC. Taking the dose of MMC into account, however, the concentrations of ω-3 in plasma increased with decreases in the amount of food consumption.3) Seven days after the injection, the concentrations of Sat+Mono, ω-6 and ω-3 in the liver and blood cells, and ω-3 in plasma decreased with increases in the dose of MMC, while those of Sat+Mono, ω-6, ω-3 and OH-FA in the brain increased with increases in the dose of MMC.4) From the above-mentioned, the changes in lipid components induced by MMC are analyzed for the probable underlying mechanism of the development of neurological disturbances in MMC poisoning.
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