都市化地域における農業水路の利用と管理 : 広島市川内地区を事例として
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The utilization and the management of canals becomes problematic as urbanization progresses. The problem is often regarded as a problem of farmers rather than a regional problem. However canals are, in fact, utilized for both agricultural and non-agricultural purposes by the residents, though canals are constructed for the purpose of agricultural production and are managed mainly by farmers organizations. In order to solve the problem, canals must be recognized as a community asset which may provide increase of agricultural production as well as richness of public life.The purpose of this study is to examine the utilization and the management of canals during the process of urbanization from the viewpoint of community asset. Kawauchi, the urbanized area of Hiroshima City, is selected as an appropriate case study for this research. In this paper, first the general classification of the utilization of canals is given, and the characteristics of urbanization in Kawauchi are also discussed. Second, the discussion on how the utilization and the management of the canal were changed during the process of urbanization is given. Last, water-use coordination during the above mentioned period is examined.The results are summarized as follows:1) The types of the canal utilities in general are largely classified into three main categories, which are 1. Water-Use, 2. Drainage-Use and 3. Space-Use. (see Figure 1.)2) The main use of the canal in Kawauchi before its urbanization was Water-Use (particularly irrigation water), but also for non-agricultural purposes such as domestic water and sewerage. The versatility of the canal use was maintained without many problems.3) During the process of urbanization in the Kawauchi area, the utilization of the canal began to change. The change was seen in the users and the land-use pattern. The majority of users became non-farmers rather than farmers, and much agricultural land was turned into residential land. In accordance with these changes, the main use of the canal has shifted from Water-Use to Drainage-Use.4) The main reason that Kawauchi could escape from the conflicts between the rural and the urban in terms of utilization and management was a proper utility of water-use coordination. Three important factors are as follows: i) The structure of the agriculture canal had already fit the new demand (i.e. Drainage-Use) which was forthming. ii) When the canal water (irrigation water and domestic water) faced a pollution problem, it was easily resolved by digging new wells and by supplying tap water systems. iii) From an early time, financial support for the management and improvement of the canal was given by the local government to the farmers organization (viz. the Land Improvement District), because the government put value on the non-agricultural use of the canal.5) However, there are still some problems when canals are seen as community asset in connection with urbanization. First, the functions of the canal uses became narrowed almost only to Drainage-Use because of water pollution. Second, the amenities which were present before urbanization are disappearing. The local government and the residents paid enough attention to Drainage-Use, but they neglected Space-Use.The quality of canal water may be improved through the development of a public sewer system, and accordingly, we may also regain the versatility of the canal uses again. However the most important point for future regional planning seems to be Space-Use. Here the awareness and understanding of the utilization and the management of canals by the residents becomes crucial, because their decisions for the utility of the space are the key to control canal use. Therefore the participation of the residents brings positive effects in future regional planning, and may make it easier to solve conflicts and problems.
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