- 論文の詳細を見る
The Indian Diaspora is one of the largest migrant groups besides the Chinese and the Jewish. The government of India set up a special committee for the India Diaspora called "the High Level committee on the India Diaspora." The committee reported statistics on the India Diaspora in 2001, following the statistics reported by the government itself in 1980. The purpose of this study is to show the present situation and the trend of the India Diaspora on the basis of the statistical data of 1980 and 2001. First, a summary of the statistical reports is given. Then, the recentsituation of the Indian Diaspora is analyzed on the basis of the 2001 report. And further, through the comparison made between the two reports, the change and growth of the Indian Diaspora in the 1980s and 1990s is discussed.According to the statistics of 2001, the Indian Diaspora spread all over the world and its population reached 16.94 million in 2001. There have been a number of events and impulses that caused the population increase since the middle of the 19th century: 1. the abolition of slavery and the introduction of the indenture system and the Kangani system, 2. the migration to developed countries in connection with the economic restoration after the Second World War, 3. the migration to the Middle East particularly after 1973, and 4. the influence of the economic globalization in the 1990s.Through the comparison between the two statistical reports, two things can be said. One is that the migration to oil-producing countries in the Middle East started at the time of the Oil crisis of 1973 is still and even more actively done. Another is that the migration to the United States and to various global cities in developed countries has increased in the 1990s under the influence of economic globalization; this trend is a new wave in the history of the Indian Diaspora.The migrants to the United States are mainly professionals like IT engineers, while the migrants to the Middle East are mainly un-skilled and semi"skilled workers for construction sites and household sector. India indeed sends various talents off to the world. The Indian Government supports these migrants and has framed a new policy which tries to keep close connections with Indian migrants who had already got a citizenship in a foreign country. According to the statistics of the United Nations, it is estimated that the population of India will be 1.45 billion in 2030 and it will be the largest in the world, overtaking China. India will achieve the status of a world power producing various laborers to the world as well as to its own country.
- 琉球大学移民研究センター,Center for Migration Studies, University of the Ryukyusの論文
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