A Comparative Study of Sequential Change of Aphasia and its CT Findings
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37 aphasic patients due to cerebral vascular accidents were studied to determine the relationship between lesion size, as demonstrated by computed tomography and the aphasic svmntoms, as evaluated by Standard Language Test of Aphasia (SLTA) .<BR>The period of this study was covered in acute aphasic patients from the onset of illness to at least nine month after stroke.<BR>The lesions, as localized by CT scan, were superimposed onto composite lesion localization maps.<BR>The major results were as follows;<BR>1) Aphasia, caused by putaminal hemorrhage, was primarily due to the obstruction of association fiber tract and this type showed good prognosis.<BR>2) The long term CT scan by showing the size, location and number of lesions had a positive relationship with aphasia outcome.<BR>3) In the language recovery, the receptive aspect preceded the expressive aspect regardless the size and type of lesion.<BR>4) Difference of aphasic symptoms due to cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral thrombosis was discussed.
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- A Comparative Study of Sequential Change of Aphasia and its CT Findings
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