口蓋化構音の音響分析-[s] について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this report is to describe the spectrum characteristics of palatalized articulations of [s] sounds using sound spectrography. The groups of subjects consisted, respectively, of 36 cleft palate children (ages 4-10) with palatalized articulations and 23 children (ages 6-7) with normal articulations.<BR>The results are summarized as follows:<BR>(1) The highest peaks of energy for [s] sounds are at 2-3 kHz in most cases of the palatalized articulation group, and over 5 kHz in the normal articulation group.<BR>(2) The range of frequencies at which substantial acoustic powers are seen for [s] sounds falls below 4 kHz in the palatalized articulation group, but is over 4 kHz in the normal articulation group.<BR>(3) The palatalized articulations of [s] sounds also showed different power spectrums from [∫] sounds in the normal articulation group.
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- 口蓋化構音の音響分析-[s] について
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