- 論文の詳細を見る
In this research, we tried to clarify the relations between the measured environmental factors and the evaluation factors extracted from On-site Forest Environment. we chose the 31-forest environment where have variety aspects in each had kept in good condition for the forest strolling as grounds for the investigation. In those, the impression evaluation experiments in the on-site were conducted by assuming the college and the postgraduate students, who were the first half in ones twenties, to be a respondent for the investigation, and by using the semantic differential method (abbreviated as SDM; 21-adjective pairs and 7-standards). As a result of the factor analysis, five evaluation factors were extracted such as [preference] as the integrated evaluation, [solemnity], [visibility], [liveliness], and [serenity]. In general, it was difficult that the result of obtaining by the SDM applies to the space design. However, due to the visibility seemed to have high possibility for it, we analyzed the relation between the forest structure and the result of SDM, especially for coniferous forests. In finally, though it seemed that a visibility was related to a preference for the forest environment surely, it was not easy to operate the visibility by only increasing and decreasing the environmental factors.
- 社団法人 日本造園学会の論文
高山 範理
朴 範鎭
綛谷 珠美
綛谷 珠美
高山 範理
香川 隆英
川口 哲也
高山 範理
高山 範理
綛谷 珠美
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